
Okay, here's the FAQ entry I would like to write (simplified version):

Q: "How can I backup all of my music and playlists in case my hard disk goes bad?"

A: Assuming you have a Mark2 player, you can use Ethernet, and you have the disk space on your PC, here is how to do it:

- Backup -
1) Install Hijack.
2) Fire up your FTP client.
3) Grab the entire contents of drive0/fids and drive1/fids onto your PC's hard disk.
4) Grab config.ini, too.
5) Write down your EQ presets, etc.

- Restore -
1) Replace the damaged hard disk(s) as described in drive upgrade guide.
2) Run builder utility for both disks as described in the drive upgrade guide.
3) Install the latest software onto each disk as described in the drive upgrade guide.
4) Install Hijack.
5) Set player to RW
6) Squirt the backed-up drive0/fids and drive1/fids back onto the player using your FTP client.
7) Squirt your backup of config.ini onto the player.
8) Don't forget to set player back to RO.
9) Reboot player.
10) Fire up emplode, do a synch, make sure everything is there.
11) Hand-enter the EQ presets, etc.

Will this work?
Tony Fabris