This is definately an EmpegTray bug, not a HiJack one. I think HiJack's improved HTTP support caused it, though...

The HTTP request that Empeg tray is sending to the player (for a pause) is: GET /proc/empeg_notify?button=20df16

The same URL (http://empeg/proc/empeg_notify?button=20df16) sent from IE works fine.

The TCP connection to the empeg looks normal but the Empeg DOES NOT send a '200 OK' back when EmpegTray makes the request.

This apparently is timing related; EmpegTray seems to immediately send a FIN/ACK on the TCP connection without waiting for the player to respond (exactly .000104 seconds after the GET). The Empeg promptly responds with a FIN/ACK and shuts down the TCP connection.

Thanks everyone for the help!
_____________ James Mancini