For each tune/playlist on your machine, there are (usually) two files:
  • The "tag file", which ends with a "1", and
  • The corresponding "content file" which ends with a "0".

The content file may be missing when the tag file indicates "length=0" for it. That is normal. But the tag file should ALWAYS be present, as otherwise the player + Emplode have no way of referencing it.

A playlist's "content" file just contains a list of 32-bit "file identifiers" ("FIDs"), which are the names of the corresponding Tune/Playlist "content" files that make up the playlist.

A tune's "content" file contains the .mp3 / .wav / .wma(coming soon) music file, as uploaded with Emplode.

When the player boots up, it looks for a "/drive0/vars/database" file (and a "playlists" and a "tags" file), and if not found, it then reads in all of the "tag" files and uses them to generate a single combined "database" file for run-time use (faster/easier to read one "database" file than 5000+ "tag" files while running..).

When Emplode is run, it also reads the "database" file from the player, and uses that for it's player information. But when you make changes to the "database" using Emplode, it actually just uploads new/changed "tag" and "content" files, and lets the player recreate the "database" file from those.

Some of the "FIDs" are "special". This includes "100" (101), the "root" or "top level" playlist. And "110" (111) the "Unattached Items" playlist.

Your player appears to be missing the 110/111 playlist, but it still has a direct reference to it in the root playlist. Very odd. Perhaps Emplode no longer creates those files until they are actually needed.. but then why would it include them in the root playlist? Oh well.

v186 of Hijack (released... now!) no longer returns error messages for empty/missing playlists, so your display will look nicer now. But it instead sends error messages to the serial port, just to help me when somebody eventually complains that "hijack is broken, it doesn't show Unattached Items or some such crud..".


Edited by mlord (07/02/2002 06:48)