Tony, Thanks for the response! Well, I've kept on digging, and grabbed linux command line emplode (I'm a linux nut) and found that it was getting this error everytime emplode connected..
3245 Found missing member (fid 2a0) in playlist Playlists
3245 Found missing member (fid 1c7b0) in playlist Collection
3245 Found missing member (fid 1c7b0) in playlist john_williams

So, I go to the john williams directory, and try to delete a john_williams direcotry that is in this directory and I get this error

/> rm /Collection/john_williams
expand: added /Collection/john_williams
4205 Removing "john_williams" would remove current playlist

I try moving it, you name it, I did it, then I cd'd to the directory and about 3 change directories later I have this...

/Collection/john_williams/john_williams/john_williams/The Face of Voldemort
/Collection/john_williams/john_williams/john_williams/Mr. Longbottom Flies
/Collection/john_williams/john_williams/john_williams/The Arrival of Baby Harry
/Collection/john_williams/john_williams/john_williams/Diagon Alley / The Gringot

I've got infinite loop heaven going on here! is there any way to force the removal of this directory?