Every spare moment he gets, and I'm grateful for it!
Seriously, I know some of you newbies must think that all Tony does is simply log on to say "read the FAQ" but Tony has been one of the greatest assests to the empeg community. I say this even after having been told to "check the FAQ" many times. And it is because of the FAQ (which he mainly wrote and maintains btw) that I have learned as much as I have AND gotten as much as I did out of my empeg.) Aside from the FAQ, Tony has done a great job moderating this board, and even stuck up for a few new members who came off as being rather rude (while the rest of the board were attacking the new members for being uninformed to a few things, Tony was sticking up for them). He has done a great job of keeping this board civil and is 10times more intelligent than I. If it wern't for Tony (and some other contributors to this board) I never would have bought an empeg. Tony has also contributed his LogoEditor and his GapKiller along with a bunch of hacks.
Yeah Tony has nailed me a few times for not knowing something was in the FAQ, but he also allowed me to upgrade my player from a 12GB model to a 32GB model to a 50GB model to a 60GB AND allowed me to put my own BootUp logos AND helped me organize me mp3 collection. A lot of other people were involved in this (Paul who is often underrecognized for setting up this BBS and the empeg team for making this player hackable) but for being someone whom I have never met and realistically won't any time soon, Tony is someone I admire for giving a hell of a lot more than he has taken.
Brad B.