For programs that flash the kernel, such as autoHijack, what mode should they put the empeg into while flashing the kernel? Here's the problem as I'm thinking through it:

1. We could do nothing. But if the empeg is playing music, several pauses will interrupt the playing music. Ick.

2. We could just put the player in standby mode. But then we can't send messages to the screen that say "Now upgrading kernel, please wait."

3. We could send a pause command _if_ music is playing. But how can the program tell that music is playing?

4. We could just send a 'pause' command regardless of whether or not music is playing. But aren't the remote commands relative? That is, if the music is playing, the pause button pauses it. But if the music is paused, the same button starts it playing again...

5. We could turn the volume down. But how do we know how far back up it needs to returned later? Also, the listener misses audio because quieting doesn't stop the playing.

6. We could send a hush command, but hush doesn't hush all the way. The attenuation is set in config.ini. Is there a way to temporarily set hushpercent=100?

7. What if the player is in aux or tuner mode? Will the solution that works in one mode work in all of them?

We need a 'stop playback, but don't turn off the display' command.

Any ideas?
