Yeah, I doubt any of us would wanna get caught dead referring to *any* operating system as "Windows"...

I guess for users unfamiliar with "advanced" computer knowledge(there seem to be quite a few), using "hyperterminal" is not necessarily a bad thing..

I got into once with a recruiter who asked me if I knew SQL.. I said yes. Later on he exected me to know how to administer Microsft SQL Server, upon which I told him I had limited experience.

He was miffed and asked why I told him I knew it. I told him that I knew most forms of SQL - structered query language. He was so ignorant he got even more angry.. I guess he expected me to assume that if it sounds like anything from Microsoft then tha is what he meant..

Oh, one of you wrote "until recently, ftp was kept very much out of the average user's radar. " Hmm, that is the exact opposite of what I experienced. The average user on the Internet 10 years ago almost exclusively used FTP for file transfers. Shoot, they even did so 5 years ago.. If the option is available they should do so today as well. HTTP file transfers are much less reliable than FTP.. I guess the "average" user todayis quite a bit different than before. I wish people would educate themselves a little more about the things the use.

I am just having fun here..

-John M