I list the Cure (and other The artists) the same way. Except "The The" where I omit a comma.
For song names however I have a very special rule:
1. If a title is ALL CAPS in a listing of titles that do not match it, then it is written the same way, ALL CAPS.
2.If ALL song titles are written on the liner IN ALL CAPS, then that is simply a design decision and not representative of the actual song titles. They get written normally on my player. First letter CAP, next letters lower case.
3. If all songs are written in lower case on the liner, then see #2 - it's a sleave artwork issue. They get proper naming.
4. If, also for cover artistic reasons, songs are written in ODD mixed case, they get normal proper naming on my listings.
5. Songs that are named in special ways, NOT FOR cover-related artist layout, get named as they appear.
And then there are some other special cases where it's not only a matter of transposing case, but a matter of how to sort the artist's names.
For instance: 808 State. I don't sort numbers before letters. I take an "8" as "eight" - it gets sorted under "E." Likewise for 54.40 - they went so far as toput notes on some of their releases telling record stores to file under "F"
I had renamed these lists to "Eight-08" and "Fifty Four Forty" - but now with the empeg's ability to track order I can set them to what they should appear as and keep them in their place. You can actually do the same thing for "the" as well as artist's proper names (if you like to sort by last name and read by first name like I do

Oh and above all, you may think your own personal sorting method is all that's important. Well, it's not. Everyone should do as I do and that's the end of it.