check and see whether a given song exists already, before I go to the trouble of uploading the same song twice if I'm unsure.Tony, I believe there is a ready solution to prevent uploading twice (and spilling your valuable US$ 156/6GB disk space

) using the 'Unattached Playlist'. Though I haven't tried it myself yet.
I intend to move all tracks into the unattached playlist. The main playlist will be 'artist name', sub playlist 'album' with the tracks within the album playlist. As far as I know, anything in 'unattached' will not show up in any of the playlists in Emma, but I did notice that contents of unattached are included in the search results of the 'direct select' option (the one that shows play by year, artist, title, genre, etc). Thus my unattached list will hold all originals.
Custom playlists for will hold copies of the entries in 'unattached'. These will show up Emma's playlist selection menu as usual (BTW Have you noticed that Emma can quickly jump to entries starting with 'M' by pressing the corresponding keyboard numeric on the remote)?
Avoiding dupes is easy now. You'll only have to check unattached, which is by artist / album.
Getting rid of MP3s remains as difficult as it is now, and really needs a search function, or another emplode maintenance method. I'll expand on that later, when I've thought about it a bit more, but I donot find today's emplode method very intuitive.
Any dangers using 'unattached' as holder for all uploaded albums and songs, Mike?
# 00120 (6GB+18