I can confirm that you'd better let the package be shipped to a friend abroad.
The italian customs search every single package from Carplayer now, since the declared unit value was apparently always lower than the real one. When they receive the package from UPS they inspect it (I got one of the boxes open -the hard paper was broken- and I could see that the player itself had been taken out and put back in the wrong way, by the way) and call to get a copy of the payment bill (but they know already by now the real value). When they get it they say that you tried to fool them around and you get a bad economical "treatment" in return:
For two units that I finally accepted this morning I was charged EUR 255.11!!!
What made me sad is also the fact that I've just made my order, payed my bill and waited for my units to show up at my door...
I did not know (and did not need to know either) about the shipment details, values, etc. But still the customs agents made me feel "guilty" and charged me accordingly this non-sense (to me, at least) sum for two units.
Best regards... and hope the same thing won't happen to others...