Although I'm pretty happy with the stalk setup now (althoughy my button presses are still kind of temperature dependant) a quick voladj toggle (Low.Med.High.Off.Low etc) would be nice.

If full stalk button remapping is implemented a little piece of front end config.ini editing software would be nice, as frankly all the options available would make editing the config.ini confusing / error prone for schmoes like me.

What I imagine is this: three columns with rows of combo boxes. The columns would be 'Action1', 'Action2', 'Empeg Command'. The output would be little text file you could cut & paste into your config.ini. So if you wanted a button press/twist combo the button press would be chosen in Action1 and the twist in Action2 and the desired action chosen in Command.

Premature, I know. But if the capability to completely reprogram the stalk existed a tool like this would make it very easy to goof around with the settings & easier for Lazy, Overworked Nonprogramming Comfortable Userland Joes like me to fiddle with it.

