JoMo25 said in General

Ever since I upgraded to B11 and Hijack v195 (or v196), I can't seem to get the Restore Visual to work in DC Power Mode. It always reboots back to the Now & Next mode.

I have the same problem (B11 and Hijack 193). No matter what visual or info mode I am in when I turn it off, or whether Hijack's Restore Car Visual mode is on or off, it always goes into Now and Next mode when it comes back on.

I have another problem too. Twice when I have been flipping through the Info modes to get back to my beautiful transient mode, it has suddenly frozen for about a full second or two, then done a partial reboot. It doesn't reboot all the way back to the logos, but it does go through the Loading Music Database section again, and then continues on its merry way.

It is a new player, I got it this weekend, so it MAY be a hardware problem, but I doubt it since it is working fine other than this. I am going to go back to Beta 7 though, because I know its bad habits a little better.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB