The ability to copy one EQ preset to another would be very useful. One user-interface decision would have to be made, though: Do you copy both personalities (car/home) or just the currently active personality? I don't really know which one of those two behaviors I'd want.

As far as the filling-EQs-with-factory-presets thing goes, I dunno if that's such a good idea. It kind of smacks of that crap they're doing in consumer car audio gear these days, giving the user a choice of three preset EQ curves named "Jazz" or "Rock" or "Classical". What a bunch of malarkey.

I think that the EQs should all be flat from the factory. The whole point of an EQ is to fine-tune the unit's response to compensate for the quirks of your amps/speakers and your listening environment, and to correct for idiosyncracies in the source material. Any presets they supplied would be meaningless for each individual car installation since they're all different.

If the user doesn't know or care enough about the sound to carefully adjust his EQs himself, then he's got no business trying to change them at all. Presets won't help novices improve their sound, and they would just annoy experts who'd rather start with a flat curve and work from there.

But... having a plain-old bass and treble control, now that's something that would help novices without annoying the experts.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris