It's huge, it's ugly, but it woke me up for the past six months. On top is an alpine 4 channel amp I had lying around. The PS delivers 13.8v 6A/8A and powers both, amp and empeg. The Selector Box on the left allows me to switch output to different locations including the bedroom on the other floor. The PS is switched on by a X10 appliance module, while a seperate universal X10 module feeds/cuts 12v to the empegs accesory line. (Which allows me to do a 'soft' powerdown. Accessory line first, PS 60 seconds later.)
Ventilation is provided by two vents taken from ATX PS's. They're too loud really, so they stay off when i'm in the same room, but are on when the X10 wakeup macro gets executed.
73555-cbox.jpg (262 downloads)