Yes some thing like a PIN number would be great as long as it is an option. I don’t want to have to enter a PIN every time only after I’ve locked an option like a filter, power off, or any other option one might not want changed without permission.

See I thought of this last Thursday because I came back from lunch and I had left the Rio turned off on my work bench (I know, I know I should have taken it with me but…) when I got back the Rio was locked up and the buttons not responding. After a few minutes I got the Rio running to have Dr. Dre at full volume blasting. That didn’t go over very well (hehe) and of course “Not Me” was the response from everyone (at least my daughter would have told me that she had played with it) I did finally find out who "Not Me" really is.

Thanks for listening again,
Drive fast, Play it loud!!!
20GB Original Blue Lens MKIIa Rio SN 030102760, Blue Buttons.
20GB Original Green Lens MKIIa Rio SN 040103268 Grey Buttons.