Thanks for the lead on the Audiotron. This might be the ticket. The RioCentral only has 1 disk space and I don't know if it works with the 48bit LBA 160GB drives. Even if it does, I'd need two -- at $1400 a copy. Not pretty.
This Audiotron is interesting, however. I have a few questions about it for those of you with experience with them.
1. Is there any issue with it interfacing to a Samba share from a Linux box?
2. The reviews claim that the RCA output sound quality is extremely poor, some even reporting "hum." Aparently, this is nonexistent when using the digital outs (as one would expect). What kind of digital outs does the Audiotron provide?
3. What can the group recommend for a reasonably priced DAC for home stereo use (used is OK). This would need to be compatible with the digital outs on the Audiotron. How does this configuration work for everyone?
4. What is the deal with the "over 30,000 song" database size limit? Is this a flash RAM limit? With 2100+ CDs, I am probably pretty close to 30Ksongs, if not over already.
5. Is there a BBS for Audiotron?
Thanks a ton! This might solve all of my problems!