Well, to answer some questions in previous replies...... I tested the WAV's in winamp, as well as the MP3's. Of course, the MP3's were also tested on the player, since that's where I first noticed the problem.:) I may try playing one of the 'suspect' waves on the Rio. I suspect I won't hear anything, since Winamp didn't either, and its been consistent with the MP3's as well, but you never know.
Yes, I do have the "STD IN/STD OUT as Data Stream" selected in Audiograbber, as well as the "Use Encoder as internal decoder". Do you think its possible those are the problem. One thing I know for sure, if I disable the "Append ID3 info to WAV file" option, the click at the end of the MP3 files is gone.
I prefer to do all the ripping and encoding together, since its less work that I have to do.
My encoding settings are "--r3mix -q0" using LAME 3.91
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions.