I had a scare the other day. Dropped mine while walking very quickly. Forward momentum meant it hit and tumbled a good five feet before I scooped it up and ran upstairs to plug it in. Got the Rio logo and then... poor little dead Tux popped up telling me to "Contact Support". Well, not only did I not want to be Empeg-less while it was being repaired, but I was on my way out to drive up to a friend's house and I really wanted it for the long drive. So, I opened her up-- first referring to the incredibly well-written FAQ, of course-- and removed the drive platform (Oh well... Who needs a warranty, right?) only to find that the IDE cable had merely come off the pins. Reconnected it and she booted right up. WHEW!! Thanks, boys, for building such a sturdy piece of gear!!
40GB MK2a in '04 BMW 330CiC with BSW 300w Amp & 10" Custom Sub