Here's an interesting one...

I've got some neat multi-button shifting-toggle translations set up in HiJack that save me a ton of time (thanks again, Mark!) but there is one thing that would be even cooler..

When I use my macro, it's to change EQ settings. Sometimes it's hard to tell visually which EQ setting got picked - it happens pretty fast. I can slow things down with some long null's* but it would be neat if you could just do something like this:

Tuner=source.L,three,cancel.s,show"Selected Eq setting 3"

I know that you can do popups through empeg_notify, is there some way to tie it to the translations so you could have the player tell you what it was doing?

* Update: Not any more. The 'null.L' sequence doesn't seem to initiate any kind of delay at all anymore...

Edited by ClownBurner (21/02/2002 23:10)
_____________ James Mancini