Ah, so everything is fine now that you've freed up some hard disk space?

Okay, then suggestion time:

1) Upgrade tool needs to check and warn the user if the hard disk is full (or nearly full) as part of the upgrade process. This is vital, because what if the user fills it almost full, then the upgrade OS ends up being bigger than the original OS?

2) Emplode needs to warn the user when the hard disk is full (or nearly full).

I've only been in situations where I overdid the hard disk space in the process of a synch, and it failed immediately, and I knew what it was. But it didn't fail gracefully, it gave me one of those "bad report card" (FFFFF...) errors. The average consumer would panic at an error like that, whereas a friendly message telling them the disk is full would be much less likely to generate a tech support call.

So now that you've got it all working, would you like to try to reproduce my EQ issues? See if it's just me?

Tony Fabris