Well, I just got a synch fail with consumer 9a, too. I had done a successful upload and then a successful delete using serial on my machine at work. Then I took it home, plugged it in with USB, and did a successful upload. The only thing I noticed during the upload was that it spent an unusual amount of time on "Checking disk integrity". But it worked OK after the upload, so I thought all was well. Then I deleted the file I uploaded and tried another synch. It gave me a failure on stage 6 with error 0xFFFFFF92.

After that error, my unit continued to play OK as far as I could tell, although it did the usual pause during boot up when it says "building music databases".

The next time I ran Emplode, it again spent an unusual amount of time on "checking disk integrity" before it downloaded the songs, but now it seems as though it has fixed itself and all is fine. I'm not sure if I should try any more synchs, though.

Mike, if you're reading this, I didn't have that problems with the last interim test build you sent me before 9a. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should check or test? Is it a fluke for me or is it related to the other problem reported on this thread?

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris