DiGNAM17: At least in the Detroit area, most of the Azteks on the road are company cars. There were lots and lots (as in lots=a large area of land used to parks cars

) of these things a while back. Many exec's were er.. encouraged to pick one as their company lease. To GM's credit, they did fix the Aztek a bit in a very rare (and much needed) 2nd year make over.
Some features of the Aztek are really neat if you've ever been inside of one. You can practially hose down the interior. Control the entire radio from the hatch (for tailgating?) and it has a built in cooler. These featuers are actually selling some units. But all of these features could have been put on a nicer looking vehicle.
Adam, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I just think that the GT-40 looks like a lot of the "super-cars" of its era. I don't know of any mid-engine, 2 seat muscle cars from the 60's.