but the whole idea of a bike in the city is to help you get around,

If that is why you are biking, then yes, you are correct. You are not biking for enjoyment, you are biking because it is easier than walking. Under those conditions I wouldn't have a $250 bike -- I would have a $15 garage sale bike, spray-painted (tires, seat, everything) some hideous orange color and wouldn't even bother to lock it.

My commute is about ten miles each direction, and the route I take is fun to ride -- a little-used bike path in excellent condition that follows a riverbank up and down and around the corners and over little covered bridges, just as fast as I want to (or have the ability to) go. My commute is one of the best parts of my whole day, and I wouldn't dream of spoiling it by riding some sort of bike that just plods along with no enjoyable feedback.

I guess the reason I spend what I do on bicycles is the same as why you bought a Maxima instead of Sentra. Either one will get you from point A to point B, but which one is the better ride?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"