That "free physical RAM" thing has already been investigated by the Empeg folks. I reported it a while ago when I thought it might be a leak in Emplode or its USB driver.

I'm now pretty sure that it's no big deal. There are plenty of other software programs that produce the same apparrent behavior. I think we're just seeing the Windows disk cache filling up, and there's no impact on software performance as far as I can tell. Windows dynamically trades memory between the disk cache, RAM, apps, and the swap file, and for the most part it Does The Right Thing.

I could be wrong, of course. But Mike's pretty sure that Emplode isn't eating Windows RAM because he's specifically tested that.

If you're interested in keeping that RAM free, use Memturbo to keep it clean. I have had Memturbo running during synchs, and even when it's actively defragmenting and recovering RAM, the synchs are not affected and continue to work just fine.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris