Experienced a wiered action on the way home. Was in radio mode, and had the radio muted - on the phone (yes hands free) and a TA kicked in.

The TA ignored the mute, and the mute icon remained displayed. Interestingly, if you then press mute, the mute icon toggled, and the sound muted.

Therefore, I believe that TA ignores the current position of the mute function, and is output in the normal way. But mute is just a toggle function sound on<->off and the icon is again just a toggle.

Fix? If a TA is meant to sound during a muted radio channel, then the Mute flag needs to be set to off during the TA and then reset to what the radio settings were after the TA is finsihed.

M2a/Smoke/60gb/Tuner!! Thanks Joe M2a/Blue10gb Thanks Ian!