I have to disagree, I think that if they're working on it, even if it'll be awhile, we should avoid writing our own cross-fading mechanism. Having our own cross-fading would potentially discourage it from appearing on the Empeg.

It's also not something that would get whipped up overnight... The code would have to know what the next song is going to be so that it can fill up a sound buffer, and it'd have to know when the end of the current song is approaching so it can begin to mix the two buffers.. I don't think empeg_notify gives you either of those things...

That, and where are you going to get the decoding routines from? The player doesn't have an API for such a thing... All of these limitations are things that the Empeg developers don't have to worry about...

Edit: Oh, and earlier in this thread, Mark didn't seem keen on writing this himself, although he'd accept it as a patch... I'd love to see how someone would make this happen without having the player's decoding routines available.

Edited by yn0t_ (04/03/2002 09:53)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff