I use my EMPEG at home on my home stereo. However, I spend most of my time upstairs, but the stereo is downstairs, and hence I just turn it up so it can be heard throughout the house.

Currently, I have my EMPEG hooked up to my home network, and with HiJack I can use the HTTP(pronounced Web) interface to play/stop songs.

What I can't do (at least Im trying to figure out how) is how can I adjust the volume being fed into the receiver? I can set my receivers "maximum" loud volume, then I could control the volume on the EMPEG as I saw fit.

So, my question is: Does anyone know how to change the volume remotely... and if so, how?

My second question is: Is there an easy way to "stop" a song being played, or "skip" to the next song in a playlist remotely?

As it stands right now, to stop a song, I just put on a playlist with no tracks.


Has anyone thought about enhancing the web interface of HiJack to provide dynamic web updates? Like say, every 10 seconds you could have the browser refresh which could display the songs tag/title information, current playing time, etc etc.
