hmm.. let's try and narrow this down... are you guys running one hard disk or two? the count that now shows up would be right for ONE of my drives, but not if you include both...

Nah, I get the same problem in 9c Consumer, and I'm only running one hard disk. When I do a title search, it says "613 Matches". When I do a Genre search, it shows over 700 entries in the "Rock" category alone. And I know I don't have any duplicate titles... even when I have a studio version and a live version of the same song, I add the word "(Live)" to the end of the song title.

I just did an export-to-CSV from Emplode and looked at it in UltraEdit. After using a macro to remove the first line and all the lines with "playlist" in them, there are 965 songs in my Empeg. So It's obviously a bug in that routine.

Wait a minute... maybe it's not a bug. Maybe we're looking at it the wrong way. The "search" function is built around the ten-key remote... being able to spell out the song title with the remote. It's a fuzzy search. For instance, pressing "2222" on the remote will call up "Abba". Well, maybe the count relates not to the total unique titles, but the totals of the fuzzy search. For instance, if you could spell out a title with the remote and it came up with three different songs matching that spec, then perhaps all three count as one hit.

Then again, I don't see how that could account for a discrepancy of 300 in my list. Or could it?

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris