I'll have to rip the lid off one of my players and have a peek inside to see what kind of chips it takes, maybe I can do a bit of DIY!!!!

This won't really happen, in all probability.

The Mk2 players use 6off 16Mbit chips, the MK2a uses 2 off 64Mbit chips. These
are smt EDO chips, not easy to obtain in small quantities. For instance, for the initial
run of players empeg had to buy the chips on reels of 1500. The SA1100 allows
up to 4 banks of ram, which from memory can be up to 64MB (it might be 256MB,
I'd have to check the datasheet to be sure). The mk2 has three banks, and the 2a
has one.

The Mk2 players can't really have any more ram added at all, since the capacitive
loading of the relevant lines is near maximum, and the board layout doesn't allow it.

In theory, it might be possible to add more ram to the Mk2A players, by stacking
another pair of chips on top of the existing ones and connecting the extra bank
select lines directly to the SA1100, but this isn't easy.

In addition, the low-level bootloader (the one that is resident in the protected boot
block of the flash) is ultimately responsible for enabling the ram banks. This only
turns on the ones that are actually used to stop the other select lines wobbling
merrily away and giving off excess RFI. The bootloader would have to be patched
to enable extra ram, as fiddling with the memory setup at this level in the kernel
isn't recommended. An issue here is that if this initial bootloader is screwed, you
have to unsolder the flash and reprogram it externally.

Yet more issues are related to the memory mapping in the kernel, which would
need to be made aware of the extra memory. This is the least of the problems, to
be honest.

I'm not saying that technically it isn't possible, but on the whole it's almost certainly
more trouble than it's worth.


Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...