thank you everyone for your help. I guess with seeing all the entries on the forum here about HIJACK and trying to desiffer them myself I thought it was like a EMPLODE or JEMPLODE spin off. The FAQs are really good and i know alot of people out here know that "computer lingo" better than I. Kernel and FTP are things i've never seen before until i got my RIO CAR. I just dont want to download something that i have know idea what it will do to my player because im sure i won't be able to restore it without deleteing everything on it and starting from scratch.
thanks again
p.s. Loren in the FAQ's could you possabley put a sentence or two in there for us remedial computer types, just so we know what it basically does. Something like "hijack is an add on to the exisiting software in your player it allows you to have" and then list some of the basic features. That way people like me can decide if we should attept to alter our players or not
RIO CAR 60GIG (blue)