
This is not quite a bug, but a bug fix...

A while back, there was a change put in on debouncing the knob input. The debounce logic was too sensitive and the controls were going all over the place. If I remember correctly, it was because of changes over time to the pot on the knob itself...

To fix this, the debounce was changed. The upshot of this is that the volume is actually changing by two steps with each input (the knob or the remote generate the same IR stream), not one step. Most of the time.... Very rarely, you will get an odd number of steps, changing from the comfortable even numbers (-24db) to the halves (-24.5db). Frustrating - I like needless precision, and the 0.5 is always annoying. I twiddle with it until I get it back into the even steps.

Did a bit of searching on the BBS, and it looks like the debounce was modified as part of that fix. Perhaps it is a little too sensitive? It also happened in 2.0b3. If anyone feels like downgrading to 1.3 and seeing if the problem goes away... : )

Edited by pgrzelak (07/06/2002 04:07)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs