has anyone thought about adding a Lyric feature?

A lyric scroller app is already being worked on. If I recall correctly, it was _ynot who was doing it.

If a song is file 21ba You could have the lyrics file be 21ba.lyrics or 21ba.lyrics.txt

May I remind everyone that there is a specification for a lyric tag in the ID3v2 tag already.

A few times folks have wanted to know the words to songs (which are pretty easily attainable on the net, in the cd cover or various other places).

But what you find on the net is frequently incorrect because it's typed in by people listening to the album. e.g., "scuse me while I kiss this guy".

And you would still have to enter them into your song files yourself as they are not automatically downloaded by any software. And you'd have to time-index the lyric tags yourself.

Still, as I've stated before, if one could overcome these obstacles and make it work, it would be so cool my head would explode just to see it working.
Tony Fabris