>What does 'stuck jiffies' mean?

You don't need to know this, but a "jiffie" is the basic unit of time-keeping and scheduling in the Linux Kernel. On the RioCar/Empeg, one jiffie == 1/100 second.

The recent v2 beta software releases have been suffering from a number of malfunctions due to a bug in the RioCar/Empeg Linux kernel, where the hardware timer that generates "jiffies" is reset. This bug results in the jiffie timer not being reset correctly, requiring it to count all the way up to 0xffffffff and then wrap around again, a complete 32-bit cycle at 3.6Mhz, before the next "jiffie" is triggered.

Since this locks up many parts of the machine for the 19-20 minutes it takes, the condition has been referred to as "stuck jiffies". The recent Hijack replacement kernels include fixes for this bug, as do upcoming releases (someday) from the manufacturer.
