Yeah I had a look at how init was started when I made my first attempt at this patch... it is too much of a special case to take much from... All my code is based on the kmod calling of modprobe... if I don't mind site exec calls not allowing processes to fork and exist after the parent process has finished then I think for all other types of processes I have things working as they should (or will do once I have the stdout/stderr tied back properly) so I shall leave that case for the moment and try and work on the stdout/stderr stuff first...

The only place I can think of to put a call to read config.ini before the player starts is in the syscall that execs the player... ie check to see if the path being executed is the player executable and try and read config.ini first before letting the call continue... but I am not sure what else that would interfere with... I might give it a go later and if it works move my tuner-detect code back out of the kernel to a userspace program again...

