Hah! Figured out how to do it. As it turned out, it was all right there on the Ghostscript page all along, as long as I was able to see it and compile it into useful forms....

For those who might want to do this in the future, here's general instructions:

First, install ghostscript and GSView. Ghostscript is a free PostScript interpreter. GSView is a set of Windows applications that use ghostscript to do various things, such as view and print PostScript files.

Second, install RedMon. RedMon creates ``Redirected Printer Ports''. What that means is that it will accept connections to a virtual printer and redirect the information that comes in to another program.

Third, configure the RedMon port that you create to redirect to the gsprint.exe program that gets installed with GSView. Give it the arguments ``-printer "<printername>" -''. The <printername> should be the name of the printer you want it to actually print to as seen in the Printers Control Panel. The dash tells it to accept input on stdin.

Fourth, share the RedMon-created printer and set up your remote printing.

That's about it. I've successfully printed from my Unix machines using smbclient. Now I just need to set it up so that I can just use lpr, but that should be a cakewalk compared to finding all the appropriate Windows hacks.
Bitt Faulk