Pardon me if this information is as detailed as it's going to get in the FAQ, but...

I'm having a problem where it cannot find the hard disks first thing in the morning. This has only started when the player stays out in the cold overnight.

Anyway, the thing tries to boot and displays the "hard disk not found, contact support" message. Looking at the vitals display on hijack, it shows the internal temperature to be cold (33F) and it also shows the 30GB drive (which is the slave) but not the master 20GB drive.

Over the course of my drive in, I periodically reset the unit to see if it will pick the drive up again, and it fails. By the time I get to work, the internal temperature is something like 55F.

When I get to work and plug the unit into the wall, it magically works again like nothing was wrong. The temperature quickly climbs to 90F or so, and all is right with the world.

There's no clicking with the drive, and nothing to suggest that it's pissed off for any reason. Is the master drive dying a slow death?