it's in the config.ini for security...
actually it's as ;@WORK khttpd_files=0
it means people can't see files or content of files over http, unless it's on the approved list Mark built into hijack...html, js, jpeg and the such are on it but not files with no extensions...
I was really hoping, maybe Mark could allow requests of these files in the /proc dir since they aren't true "files"
the problem this is currently causing with jEmplode is that I don't think it knows that I have hijack installed, and I know it can't find the version in /proc/version
I use jemplode at work to upload most of my files over ethernet because I don't really have my home network setup properly for the empeg at home...and downloading new versions of hijack over the corporate lan is faster then dialup
so at work it never tries to update even with new versions, but as soon as I switch to HOME mode it updates immediately...
but that's just my experience, and wish...won't be too disapported if it never comes true...
MKIIa 20g Smoke