I read a few other posts, and I guess I should say that the AutoPC probably does some things very well, considering the "first to market" kind of thing. Since playing MP3s was probably never one of its original design goals, and assuming the actual implementations of design goals was done well, then the AutoPC probably isn't as bad as I made it out to appear.
I guess it would be just disappointing to some people to know that even though it does do some fancy technologies it is underpowered to do technologies of the future. Perhaps a part of planned obsolesence? I think Rob had said in another post that the AutoPC was meant to be more of an experiment... so if it does well what it was designed to do and it sold more than they expected to sell, it can't be all that bad.
I guess there is always any number of perspectives that you can see it from.
I'll still take the empeg any day, but who's to say that some other company out there doesn't create a 10x powerful product in the next year or two and then point back at the empeg and say, "I can't believe they could make an underpowered product like that".... nah, it'll never happen

I just can't wait to spend my money on an empeg Mark II!
