Does anyone make quiet fans?

Well, I see a lot of hoopla about silent fans, and I have seen a few box fan models that tout a different fan blade shape (can't remember the URL), but I am a little skeptical of most of the claims. The Silverado's claim to fame rests on using a squirrel-cage fan (two, actually) for each cooler and they assert that these fans move more air with less noise than box fan varieties. My research in some other areas suggested that this was true and my results suggest as much (but it would have been interesting just to change the existing fan to 6V with lower RPM to see what the noise level was like...). Up to a point, though, more CPU == more heat == more fan == more noise.

Tony, I had already added a *supposedly* quieter Enermax power supply to this particular PC and, yes, it did seem to reduce some vibration-related noise (I figure a cheaply-made power supply can produce extraneous vibration noise regardless of the amount of air that it moves). I looked at some reviews of the Silencer power supplies, but was a bit concerned at suggestions that they reduced their noise levels just by reducing air movement by default (and that reviewers' temperatures were higher than they should be)

Drakino, one of the items on my PowerBall list (a loosely organized stack of the things I will do when I win a multi-state Lotto) is to install the ultimate extended whole-house vacuum. Not only will you be able to have outlets everywhere into which you plug a vacuum nozzle, but you will be able to switch some of these outlets into a low-pressure, always-on exhaust system that will take a 3" outlet from your various PC cases and recycle the exhaust heat into a hot tub heat exchanger!!

[edit: "Silencer" power spplies, actually]

Edited by jimhogan (22/03/2002 14:49)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.