Ok, I'm pissed. No, I'm mean I'm REALLY pissed, and I'm not talking drunk either!

Today I've bought a couple of cd's. One of them is called "Illusion Retro Classix 2", a compilation of retro classic trance hits as played in club Illusion (a Belgian nightclub)

I bought this CD, in spite of having practically 90% of it's contents already in my cd-collection. Why? Three reasons :
1) I buy EVERYTHING club Illusion realeases, so in a way I was completing my collection.
2) Let alone the fact that I already have practically all those tracks on CD, it's still a very, very, very good compilation. In fact, about 10 of the 22 featured tracks are on my list of all time favourites.
3) This CD only features the FULL VINYL cuts of the tracks. So I bought it to finally, after all these years, have full versions of some of my favourite tracks.

So the first thing I do when driving home from the CD-store is play the CD in my car. My dad's car actually. This car has a pioneer headunit about 4 years old. The first thing I notice that I find strange is that I'm not able to fast forward/rewind or skip tracks. The CD plays, but that's it. Mmmmm strange.
I get home and the first thing I want to do (naturally) is to get this CD onto my Empeg. I put the cd in my plextor 40x and it doesn't see any tracks. Strange. Let's try the Plextor 12x writer. Also nothing. Pioneer DVD Rom? Same! WTF????
So I check with Exact Audio Copy, which DOES see the tracks, only they're not .wav files, so it can't extract them.
Man, this sucks! I mean, I BOUGHT this Cd! If it weren't for the CD store having a "sorry, no refunds"-policy I'd return it in a heartbeat.
So now I'm stuck with a CD which only does not play in more than half the CD players I throw it at but even worse : it seems it can't be ripped.
Or can't it? Aren't there already some utilities on the net which can surpass this "protection?"

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

On an additional note : I can't believe distributors actually want to go ahead with these protections. Cause I can only tell you how I feel right now : cheated. I mean, I bought a product and I can't use it for what I intended it for. That s**ks! If they really want to go ahead and implement this crap in lots of CD's I can tell you there will be lots of unhappy customers!
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