I currently have a Neo 35 and I am happy with it somewhat. I am considering buying a EMPEG..It looks way better and is in dash. I only have a few concerns, maybe you guys could help me with.
I only have on bay for a deck, so how would I connect the Empeg to my system?? System has 3 subs, amp and speakers. I dont understand the whole internal amp thing..please explain this to me in lamens terms...

How is the random play? The neo 35 is terrible.

I know it fits in a car bay but..will it fit in a standard one like in my escort??

The visuals look great, can customized ones be made?

How hard is it to upgrade software? and logos? even though I run on XP and empeg is Linux??

Discontinued-why was it stopped if its such a great product?? I do not understand? Are they making a whole new one that will be way better?

Canada-this is the bad part, I am in Canada and the US to CAN $ sucks bad, and I am a poor student..so I need help finding a unit at a decent price. Currently I have a 40 gig in my neo so I think I would like to have that at least. Anyone help me with prices? web sites??

Can a regular IDE HD be used?????

How hard is it to install the radio thing?? Wil it get my regular channels?

I am very sorry for so many questions...just a newbie looking for help.

Thanks in Advance
Jim Richardson
[email protected]