For [2], I think the fastest way is to get the special image file to initialize these drives, does anyone have this they could send me? (mrahm[at] have this file, but you need to know what it does and how to use it first. After I tell you the following information,
e-mail me and let me know if you still want to do it. Then I'll send you the file.
1) It works via the Empeg serial port only. You use EmpegUpgrade.exe to install it.
2) It's a replacement to the Empeg kernel which will unconditionally format any disk drives plugged into the Empeg at power-on time. It's extremely dangerous. You could lose all your music if you don't do it right. If you're not comfortable with this, don't try it.
3) You are required to have an ANSI terminal program pre-configured, ready and waiting to launch as soon as the upgrade is done installing. You have to launch the terminal to observe the behavior of the formatter and answer any possible prompts it might give you. Make sure you can do this before trying to install the upgrade.
4) It will only format the drives so that they're usable by the Empeg. I wouldn't try to run a regular Linux system on any drive formatted from this program.
5) Once you're done, you have to re-install a working Empeg kernel (such as 10a) onto the drive.
Tony Fabris