how much programming is there?

There are a few available hi-def channels. Depending on your physical location and whether or not you get a tuner that's got OTA (over-the-air) capability (as opposed to JUST tuning the satellite hi-def channels), you might be able to get a few networks in addition to the HBO/Showtime/Demochannel carried by the satellite company.

Even among the existing hi-def channels, they are not broadcasting hi-def programs all of the time. I think HBO is doing the best job so far, and they're only showing an actual hi-def signal about 50-70 percent of the time. The rest of the time, they're just enlarging a standard-def picture and side-boxing it to fit on the hi-def screen.

But when they do broadcast in true hi-def, it's worth it. It's like watching 35mm film.

So far, you don't get any programming you wouldn't get on standard def. For instance, HBOhd has the same programming as HBO. So you're not missing out on any programming without a hi-def tuner. You're just seeing some of it at a lower resolution than you could have seen it with HD.

For more questions about hi-def TVs and tuners, head on over to the Forums at and discuss it there. No sense in getting too off topic here when the folks in that forum can answer your questions much better.
Tony Fabris