I've got a BEFW11S4 V2 also, using it now actually

I got mine on amazon, new retail box for $155.95. Hmm... I just checked amazon and it seems that they've gone up. However
Ajump.com has it for $149 and the WAP11 (just a wireless access point) for $130. I'd definitely stick with the BEFW11S4, for $20 more you get a 4 port 10/100 switch, DSL/Cable router, firewalling, port forwarding, DHCP, etc. Anyway, if all you want is DHCP then it's probably overkill, linux and windows both do DHCP very easily. Although, having DHCP in a little box that doesn't take up power/space is always a good thing. Hey, and you never know when you might go wireless; you can't beat getting all those features for $150. Plus, building your own antenna to get 10+ mile range to hook up to another WAP at a friends house is fun
I'm not helping any, am I? :P