so my friend came down to visit from school with his 80 gig hard drive full of MP3's. I sit down if front of Emplode and start loading up. Now he has his mp3's very organized.
Artist, then albums, and in each album (folder), is a winamp playlist file as well. So when i dragged the folders into Emplode, i deleted the playlist file, cause it looked like it was writing the songs twice. Anyways, it all looked perfectly legit to me. I finally had everything loaded and let the 6 gigs worth of songs upload over night. When i looked at my song list today, i noticed that it had copied multiples of each song. Most songs it had made two copies of, and i know that they wern't just links to the song location, it was actually taking up memory because as i deleted them, i gained memory. So i went down this incredibly long list of songs, deleting what i thought were duplicates, and they were. NOW, my playlists are all messed up, the songs are somewhere in the EMpeg, but not in the playlists, i don't understand at all. In Emplode, when i go to "Song list" vew, it shows about 3500 songs, but on the Empeg itself, when i play the entire catalogue, it only shows up with about 1800 songs. However, i can search for a song that doesn't show up in the playlist, and it'll be there. THIS IS VERY WIERD. I'm sorry guys if this is confusing as all hell, but i have no clue where all these songs are. I looked in Unattached Items.

thanks for any help, but i'm sure this is really confusing.