I've been using Emplode via network connection successfully since I got my player just recently. However, for a couple days now I've been getting errors during sync, just after uploading tunes. It happened every time I uploaded new songs. As soon as I got the error I'd sync again and it would sync correctly. (Or at least I didn't get any errors.)

Tonight I decided to try JEmplode. I ran it and everything seemed mostly fine.* (I didn't upload any songs that time, so I don't know if I would have gotten the sync error.) After quitting JEmplode, I tried running Emplode again, but it couldn't find my empeg anymore. I tried running JEmplode again, and it couldn't find it anymore either. I tried both several times, and once I got Emplode to see the player by setting it to look at the Specific Address. Then it wouldn't find it that way either.

The rest of my network seems fine. I tried connecting by USB, and it worked fine. I uploaded a few songs, and got no errors.

I'd like to get the network connection back. I've looked through the troubleshooting section in the FAQ, but couldn't find an answer. I didn't upgrade the software when this happened, and I saw no evidence that JEmpeg upgraded Hijack. Can anyone suggest what I might have done and how to fix it?

* (I don't know if this is relevant, but when I ran JEmplode the first time, there were two items in my playlists called something like "Unattached Entry". I tried to delete them, but they wouldn't delete.)