When you say "local record store" do you mean an independant or chain or both? If it's a chain, don't make me laugh!

I went into Tower Records once to look for a CD by the band Kyuss. So I want this specific album by a band that nobody else in the store had probably ever heard of, and they had one copy for NINTEEN DOLLARS! Yes, I had to spell that out in capital letters, because it's ridiculous! $19 for an obscure CD? meanwhile you can get the latest Brittney for $12. Where's the sense in that? How can they ever expect to sell their older CD's if they are so expensive? I don't see the logic!

Now, if you mean an independant store, then you still get high prices on a lot of stuff. It has to be a really obscure store to find any kind of gem, and the only stores around me like that aren't local, they're about 60 miles away!

Online shopping is fine by me!