I am running V2.00-beta11. I am running windows 98 on my PC. I already have a playlist for “Whatever you want to call it” with a lot of these tracks in it. If it was a compilation then I have it encoded using a folder named with the CD name.
I want to be able to keep that playlist. Though I also want to put a copy of each one of the songs by each artist that performs on that compilation into a sub playlist under ARTIST a-d for example.

“But, if you did a good job of filling out your ID3 tags, AND you are running 2.00beta11, you can go to the "Soup" View and it will have pseudo-playlists (folders really) for each artists or genres or album etc. You can then copy the contents of each of these and make artists folders...”

This is what I am trying to avoid. I would like to be able to just drag a song in Emplode from the soups view-artist into the playlists menu and have it create it’s own playlist using the ID tag using artist as a name of the playlist.



MK2 12Gb
MK2a 60Gb