It took me a little time to get around to it, but, I have now upgraded to 2.0 beta 11 and the matching Hijack kernal. My problem has changed but it hasn't gone away. The new symptom is an improvement, instead of freezing the player now pauses while it reloads the database and then continues to play where it left off. That is happening at about the same frequency the old software used to freeze. This is still an irritating problem. I just get lost in the music and suddenly silence, after a pause that is just too long for my sanity the music starts again. Hopefully the way the symptom changed will help someone remember a similar problem and increase the probability of a solution. Thanks to all of you for your help on this and other issues.

Oh, if it makes a difference. I am just randomly playing tracks from any playlist. I like to get a variety of music rather than sticking with one artist or collection of similar items for very long.
