I just went through doing this very thing. It took a little bit to figure out how to accomplish it, but I did manage to find a way. Assuming you want everything from the Empeg *and* you can connect to it via Ethernet, here's what you need to do:

1. Install latest Hijack. (everything here is thanks to mlord!)
2. Using Emplode, create a playlist with all your MP3's in it.
3. Download an FTP program that can access an .htm file (I used CuteFTP Pro 2.0--FREE evaluation period!)
4. Browse to your Empeg's IP address.
5. Click on the [Click here for playlists] link to get to the playlists in your browser.
6. Find the playlist you created in step #2 and place your mouse over it, so you can see the address (i.e. http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx/?FID=fc71&EXT=.htm ).
7. Note the part after the question mark.
8. Fire up your FTP program you downloaded in step #3.

Set up your FTP program to download to the directory you want and any other requirements of your FTP program.

9. Connect to you Empeg's IP address.
10. The last file you see should be an .htm file (i.e. ?FID=101&EXT=.htm ).
11. Browse to that .htm file (double click, most likely).
12. Find the ?FID you noted in step #6 and browse to it (again, most likely a double click).

It may take a while, but eventually, a big list of files will show up.

13. Find the files that end with an &EXT=.mp3. These are all your MP3's. Select the ones you want and add them to the queue. (In CuteFTP, select them all, right click, and select download.)
14. Start your FTP program's downloading of the queue, if it doesn't start automatically.

This will get everything onto your hard drive. WARNING: This will take a very long time if you've got a lot to download... mine took about 20 hours. The beauty of having them in an FTP queue is being able to stop and resume whenever you want.

All the files on your computer will look something like this: DC_-_Hells_Bells.mp3_FID=9f00&EXT=.mp3

Note the above file, which is AC/DC's Hells Bells, named accordingly on the Empeg. There's no AC/ in the filename. It'll drop the characters that aren't acceptable by DOS, so they're not perfect, but due to the unique FIDs, you can't get any duplicate files.

They DO all have the ID3 tags from the Empeg, though! Fire up your favorite tag editor and get the filenames and directories how you want. I used MP3 Tag Studio, since it allows renaming and moving of the files all at the same time, with one of the most powerful filters I've ever seen.

This worked for me just perfectly. It takes a little bit of work with the renaming of the files, but you do get your ID3 tags from the Empeg, which is what I believe everyone really wants. You can obviously modify the above instructions to get only the playlists/files you want.

Good luck!